Looking for the best eco-friendly under sink water filter for well water?
An eco-friendly water filter that can easily be installed under your sink does exist.
I know, it may seem like the most impossible truth with water filtration seeming like such an involved task at times.

However, finding one to fit your needs is not as difficult as you would think. I’ve of course geeked out on the best fit and have summarized this for you. I’ve also taken into account some concerns you might want to think about!
What are The Best Eco-Friendly Water Filters for Under the Sink? You can find great systems that can be hooked up to your existing faucet or some that require a separate faucet and hookup. Crystal Quest Reverse Osmosis Under Sink Water Filter, Aquasana Claryum Direct Connect, & BG6000FF Full Flow System are all eco-friendly under sink filters.
Eco-friendly under the sink water filters for well water are the most fantastic inventions to allow you to drink water safely from your home without having to create extra waste through the constant use of water bottles for drinking.
In addition to the money you will save on a well, you can add in the benefits of filtering your own water at home.
Water filters allow you to have freedom in your home when cooking, cleaning, and most importantly, directly consuming. Continue reading to find the best system for your well water needs!
3 Best Eco Friendly Under Sink Water Filters for Well Water
There is a slew of different water filters out there. Ones that can be hooked up to your entire home system, others that can do the filtering in a separate filtration system that sits on your countertop, and simply water pictures and can be tossed in the fridge when not being used.
The possibilities are endless, but below are a few under the sink eco-friendly options that will get you to freshwater with minimal waste involved in the design as well as with upkeep.
1. Crystal Quest Reverse Osmosis Under Sink Water Filter
With well water, there are more concerns as far as contaminants go, but Crystal Quest has you covered with their Reverse Osmosis Under Sink Water Filter.
(US Navy invented Reverse Osmosis for Submarines I’ve read!)

This filtration system is going to cover all of your needs in one smart system that fits right underneath the sink of your choice.
The filters are eco-friendly because they are actually made of granulated activated coconut shell carbon that helps to remove nasty organic carbon compounds, insecticides, pesticides, and industrial solvents.
This system actually goes through 12 different stages of filtration.
I won’t lay out every single step, as they are rather extensive (good news for clean water!), but let’s hit the most important and desirable stages.
Reverse osmosis happens within this filter and through a Crystal Quest reverse osmosis membrane that removes and filters particles as tiny as 1/10,000 of a micron! ‘uber-microscopic’
Second, Reverse Osmosis under sink water filter also using the Eagle Redox Alloy. This may sound like a mouthful of rubbish to you, but this media is actually quite advanced.
What the Eagle Redox Alloy does is work as a water processing medium that is able to naturally oxidize and absorb unwanted contaminants from your water due to its makeup of copper and zinc.
Through this process, chlorine gets the most action as it is mostly instantaneously oxidized. A win for your body and the taste of your most favorite teas, soups, and boiled foods!
Heavy metals are also given a run for their money as heavy metals like lead, mercury, copper, nickel, aluminum, and other dissolved metals are removed from the water as they are attracted to the surface of the media.
Keep in mind, this system is a bit bigger than others as it includes multiple cylinders for the advanced filtration process.
This is no big deal for those of you that have ample space under your sink, but if you are working with a smaller area, you may want to consider its size. Osmosis costs more, but filters very effectively.
2. Aquasana Claryum Direct Connect
On of my favorites.
There are so many different installation types out there that range from easy to seriously involved when it comes to water filters. For an under the sink type of filtration though, the easier it can be, the better.
After all, you are working within a space that has very little wiggle room and not a ton of space for hefty systems. Luckily for you and all your well water, under the counter, space-saving needs, Aquasana has come out with a product that 100% fits the bill.
How this system works is actually quite amazing. Within the Claryum system, activated carbon is used to reduce pharmaceuticals, herbicides, pesticides, and other relative contaminates.
It also uses a catalytic carbon that helps to target chlorine and chloramines that give your water as well as your tea and even dishes a nasty aftertaste.
There is an ion-exchange also present in its system that rids all of those heavy metals like lead and mercury that humans, animals, and plants alike should not have in their water.

Last, but certainly not least, there is an absolute sub-micron mechanical filtration system present within this water filter.
Yes, I know, that title is totally unrecognizable to your average Joe, but what this bad boy does is capture asbestos and chlorine resistant cysts that really give other filters a run for their money.
With this feature, the Claryum Direct Connect system takes on the task of ridding your water of even the most filter-resistant contaminates.
With its smart filter technology, this product has one other feature that makes it so great.
Instead of having two or three different filtration cylinders under your sink, this entire system compacts every single feature it offers into one sleek cylinder.
The design is so simple and only requires you to attach the system to the back of your sink and hook it up to your existing water line underneath.

3. Body Glove G6000FF Full Flow System
One of the biggest complaints of under the sink water filter users is the poor water flow that comes from the sink once the filter has been installed.
No one likes to wait three minutes to fill water glass up (I know that sounds small, but wait three minutes and you’ll see it is an eternity!).
The Body Glove BG6000FF is able to get around this issue by giving you the full flow of a normal faucet with all the advantages of a filtration system for your well water.
You may think “Oh, this system certainly will require another faucet to function if it is promising so much flow,” but your thinking would be wrong.
This system is fantastic because it will hook straight up under your sink without having to install another faucet or tear up your countertops to get it working.
It is compact and can fit under even the smallest of sinks giving those living in smaller apartments or flats a bit of a break when it comes to space-saving.
Even more than its eco-friendly design through the use of minimal parts, the BG6000FF offers Body Gloves Quad Stage Filtration System. This system treats water by KDF-55 for bacteriostatic and scale control.
It also uses a Micro-Filter-Wrap evenly traps sediment particles while keeping great flow rates, filters through a patented 0.2 micron pharmaceutical grade membrane and uses a high-efficiency carbon block filter.
The integrated membrane pre-activated carbon technology that is used within this system helps to give your filtration system a longer cartridge life and eliminates the need for any extra pre-treatment.
This blocks carbon and reduces microbial content, cysts, and other common pathogens. Even better, this system is super duper eco-friendly as the cartridge can be recycled through the Body Gloves recycling program.