Can Shower Water Filters Remove Microplastics?

Microplastics seem to be in most water sources now from a tap. So I went into detail about if they could be removed with the use of shower water filters. Here are the results…

When you are showering, you want your shampoo, conditioner, and body wash to be free of nasty additives that can be damaging for your skin and hair. But, have you ever thought about all the different pollutants that could be washing over you in your water? 

Can Shower Water Filters Remove Microplastics? Shower water filters are not designed to remove microplastics, they target chlorine, chloramines, and other types of synthetic chemicals. If you are wanting microplastics removed from your shower water, a whole house water filtration system is what you will need.

That’s the short and sweet answer, and I’ll elaborate on it too.

Microplastics are tiny, but they are funky little water residents that simply need to move out. 

Investing in a whole house water filtration system might not be what you were hoping for, but they can do some amazing things. If this is out of reach for you, then shower water filters can still provide amazing results.

To make sure you have water that is free of hard microplastics, shower water filters are not intended for this purpose, but they are great at removing other nasty chemicals that make your water less than inviting to jump into. 

Continue reading to understand how shower filters work, why they are beneficial, and explore filter systems that are capable of removing microplastics. 

How Do Shower Water Filters Work? 

Although shower filters may not remove microplastics, they are still fantastic at removing lots of unwanted chemicals from your water.

You may be thinking “Oh gosh, I am going to have to drill in a whole separate system to get this thing going, aren’t I?” 

Good news for you, shower water filters are actually super easy to install and do not require any sort of bathroom remodel, drilling, wall-taking-out, or separate unit installation to get going. 

They are individually installed so you can get them working in either one or all of your home bathrooms depending on how much you use each shower. 

How Does Shower Water Filter Work? Shower filters work like a net to remove contaminants that pollute your water before it reaches your body. These contaminants include chlorine, chloramines, sulfur, heavy metals, hydrogen sulfide, and iron oxides.

All of these have no business being in your water, regardless if it is meant for showering only. 

I wrote a slightly more technical post of how they work here

Of course, if you have lived in one area your entire life, then you might not realize how pollutants like microplastics and toxins can affect your hair and skin.  You just deal with it, using other products to counter it reactions.

But, if you have not been fortunate to live in a location with high-quality water, then you likely know exactly what I am talking about.

Shower water filters work to rid the contaminants before they begin pouring over your skin. While the market is hot with organic products and shampoo without parabens and other substances, we rarely think about the water that is used with these cleansers! Cause & Effect – easier to deal with the Cause not the Effect!

However, if we want to be truly clean after showering, would we not want to have a great shower water filter to help us along the way?

Benefits of a Shower Water Filter 

I grew up living in an area with fantastic water, I’m lucky & grateful.

This may seem silly to say, but good water is a luxury in many areas, and it was one I took for granted. 

As an adult, I moved to a place where the water was so hard, riddled with calcium and chlorine, that it was hardly consumable. 

Even worse, the calcium build-up in my shower was severe. I would clean it weekly, but it was ridiculously thick and stubborn to come off. 

More than this, the water quality affected how my hair and skin felt. My hair was instantly dry and difficult to brush and my skin was drained of all its moisture.

I had to compensate with expensive conditioners and constant moisturizers to keep my body from cracking in half.

Ok, that last part is dramatic, but you get the point. My water quality was messing with the appearance of my shower and was robbing the goodness of my hair and skin- gross! 

So how can a shower filter help you, even if it doesn’t remove microplastics? 

Two of the main benefits of using a shower water filter is that they are great at keeping your hair and skin in good condition, and they can keep your shower cleaner. Let’s take a closer look at how these benefits can be achieved by installing a shower water filter.

How Shower Water Filters Keep Your Hair and Skin in Good Condition 

Using a shower water filter helps to keep your hair and skin in good condition by removing the chlorine, chloramine, excessive calcium, and other contaminants that would otherwise cause dryness. 

This might seem a bit over-the-top, but I want you to really get this picture:

Imagine that your hair is hay.

Now imagine trying to rake a brush through your hay hair.

Now imagine blow-drying your hay hair. And now, imagine trying to style that hay hair with high heat.

Plain and simple, it is not going to work. It is going to tangle, break off, and singe.

When you have harsh chemicals in your water, your hair can get so dry that it may as well be hay. 

Along with unfiltered water’s ability to dry your hair, it also sucks the life out of your skin. These chemicals, such as chlorine and excessive calcium, are known for their drying ability.

After even just a few days, some people see their skin begin to look more like a cracked desert floor rather than a nice piece of oiled leather.

A little extreme imagery, perhaps, but you see the point. Bad water equals a dry and crunchy appearance. 

How Shower Water Filters Keep Your Shower Clean

Shower water filters help to keep your shower clean by preventing the buildup of excessive minerals (like calcium and iron) through various sequences of filtration.

We have all seen those spectacularly luminous bathrooms.

They have gobs of sparkling marble, the clawfoot tub is pristine, the hardware shines as if no one has ever touched it before. 

Then you look at your shower, one that is not equipped with a shower filter, and it is coated in a disgusting film of calcium from top to bottom.

Your hardware oozes with the stuff and the build-up is nearly stopping up your drain. 

Calcium build-up is gross! And even more, it is so hard to keep in check when you are showering every single day.

If you install a shower filter, your bathroom is sure to be more like my first description rather than the later.

Don’t worry, every bathroom can be beautiful if it is without calcium build-up- no clawfoot tub needed!

Shower Water Filters that Prevent Calcium Buildup

So, we have talked a lot about how shower water filters can prevent calcium buildup. If you are looking for a few great options, my recommendations are to consider choosing one of three great companies: Crystal Quest & Aquasana – this is based on my research into products, filters, warranties/guarantees, and the like.

Let’s take a look at a few of their shower water filter models. 

Crystal Quest Luxury Shower Power Filter 

This filter is an absolute boss in the shower filter world. It removes chlorine, chloramines, VOCs, THMs, pesticides, sulfur, heavy metals, hydrogen sulfide, iron oxides, dirt, and even odors!

Even better, this filter is pH balanced giving you the most well-rounded water of your life. Crystal Quest even made it eco-friendly by giving it a reversible filter carriage that lasts about a year (6 months for most other brands). Low maintenance and it gets the job done without you having to think about it. 

Aquasana Premium Shower Filter 

If you want a little more to choose from, Aquasana has a slew of different selections when it comes to shower filters.

So many times, a shower filter does not give you the same amazing massaging details that regular shower heads can offer.

Aquasana, however, offers showerheads that work beautifully with a filter and can still fulfill all your water massaging dreams. 

Even more, the design on this filter is made in such a way that it will retain your showerhead height and regular water pressure.

No one likes a droopy shower head, am I right? 

How to Remove Microplastics From Your Water 

If you are still wanting to remove microplastics and aren’t quite convinced that a shower filter is all you need, then say no more. 

How do you Remove Microplastics From Your Shower Water? The best solution to your problem is to get a whole house filtration system. Look for systems that concentrate on the chemicals and toxins that are specifically high in your local area. Additionally, consider options that have sediment removal and multiple stages of filtration. 

You want a product that is going to get the job done without having to worry about escapee contaminants making their way through.

Comprehensive – whole house / perfectly balanced water

The Rhino will mean beautifully filtered water to the whole house for ….5-6 years! Then easily change over the cartridges.

A few whole house filters that will rock your showering world include the RHINO from Aquasana, with a super sleek design and is quick and easy to install. 

There is also the SMART Whole House Water Filter from Crystal Quest that really gets to work on water that is entirely too hard, here is a link to the range – just choose how many people in your household.

These filters are all easy to install and are more than capable of removing microplastics from your shower water. With these installed, you can scrub up with peace of mind knowing that those plastic critters are not crowding your shower space.

Tom Mueller

Having worked in the filtration and renewable sectors. I've always struggled to find solid information about effective filters. I wanted to share my knowledge and help people get clean healthy water at home! Thanks for visiting, Tom

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