Does an Under Sink Water Filter Soften Water? (Easy Answer)

Under sink water filters do a lot, but do they soften water, like take out the rich mineral content?

There are many benefits of using an under sink water filter, so it is no surprise that so many people are now choosing to install them in their own homes. 

I’m a big fan because they get rid of alot of plastic and provide healthier water to drink! I mean that’s really what it’s all about right?!

But, if you are looking for a way to reduce the hard water in your home, you might be curious if an under sink water filter can do this.

Does an Under Sink Water Filter Soften Water? While some water softeners (a type of water filter) remove calcium and magnesium, all under sink water filters aim to remove sediments. They are designed to remove toxins and contaminants frequently found in locally sourced water that is brought into your home.

With that said, there are plenty of under sink water filter options that can help you to make the most of the water filtration system you choose to install in your home. 

Since water softeners are a more precisely designed model of water filter, you can assume that they aim at filtering particular minerals from the water that cause it to become hard. You can find under sink water filters that soften water. 

Continue reading to learn more.

Can an Under Sink Water Filter Soften Water?

Without having to do much research, there are plenty of reasons why you might be looking at softening the water in your home. 

Whether you are wanting to avoid the negative effects of hard water on your hair or are aiming to use soft water when cleaning your dishes, there are plenty of options for you.

With that said, you might be wondering if an under sink water filter can do the trick.

There are some models of under sink water filters that are designed to simply remove sediments and other common contaminants from the water they filter.

However, some under sink water filters do have water softening capabilities as they aim to reduce the common minerals of calcium and magnesium to provide softened water.

Since there are many different types of under sink water filters, you will want to make sure that you particularly focus on the models that filter these common minerals from your water. 

For example, other forms of under sink water filters will filter a general list of common contaminants but will focus more heavily on the removal of fluoride or iron. 

These under sink water filters are great for what they are able to achieve, but they might not be designed to provide you with the softened water that you are looking for. 

Keep in mind, though, that even under sink water filters that focus more heavily on the removal of other common contaminants are still going to filter particles and sediment from the water. 

So, while some of the minerals that cause hard water will not be removed in as high of a capacity, the literal hard particles will be gotten rid of before you consume them. Obviously, that will have major benefits regardless.

Which Under Sink Water Filters Soften Water?

So, as you begin your prowl for the best under sink water filter, your options might seem a bit overwhelming. 

Hopefully, you will find this as a good sign that there are many different competitors on the market aiming to provide you with the best possible water filtration system for your home. But, that does not make the search any less intimidating.

With that said, as you search for your water filter, you will want to know which contaminants you particularly want the filter to focus on. While many are designed to get rid of a large list of common contaminants, toxins, and other substances, some will have a more specific focus.

As you look more closely for under sink water filters that soften water, be sure to search for the list of minerals that they will filter. 

Some under sink water filters use a reverse osmosis system to put mineral “back” into the water after they filter them out, so you will likely want to choose another option if softening the water is your prime motive for installing an under sink water filter.

Instead, when wondering which under sink water filters soften water, you will want to look for models that specifically target the removal of calcium and magnesium- two minerals that do not have many negative consequences when they are consumed regularly, but that can otherwise cause harm to your hair, dishes, or other similar things. 

Along with this, you might even be able to find water filter and water softener combinations that are designed to focus more precisely on these two different purification prerogatives. 

With this option, you can be sure that the water filtration system you install in your home will provide softened water that is ready for consumption and has been softened thoroughly.

What are the Benefits of Softened Water?

If you are still on the fence about which type of under sink water filter that you would like to install in your home, and you are thinking of finding one that focuses more keenly on softening your water, then you likely want to know what the benefits of soft water are in the first place. 

Rest assured, there are many.

So, what are the benefits of softened water? While water does not have to be softened to be necessarily safe for consumption, softened water leaves fewer stains on appliances and clothing, works more cohesively with dish soap and laundry detergent, does not cause a high rate of mineral buildup, and is generally better for hair and nails.

Of course, there are many reasons that someone might want to have their water softened whether that is with an under sink water filter for consumption purposes or a whole house water system that will soften the water all throughout your home (including your shower). 

Interestingly, there are even shower head water filters that can soften the water that you specifically use there.

So, if you prefer to only have some of the water that you use in your home softened, this is a feasible option. 

All you would need to do is to install an under sink water filter in the few sinks (or one main sink) that you would like to avoid hard water, and then choose if you would like this type of filter on your showerhead or other locations, for example.

Since there are so many benefits to softened water, it is not surprising that you would want to consider installing it under your sink, especially since this will likely be the place that you source the water with which you wash your dishes, fill your coffee pot, or even fill a bucket for cleaning your appliances.

After you install a water softener (especially if it is paired with or designed coherently in an under sink water filter), you will likely notice almost immediate effects on the items that frequently encounter this water. 

For example, since softened water leaves fewer stains on your appliances, you will likely not see spots on your dishes and silverware that would have been there without the filtration.

Along with this, you will not see a buildup of minerals occurring directly next to your faucet where the water has come out of the filter while you were pouring it. Instead, you can enjoy the sleek appearance of clean, filtered, and softened water.

Finally, while it has been mentioned above, it is still important to mention that the taste of softened water is preferred by many people. 

Not only will you not be swallowing small bits of sediment and other particles and contaminants that you might without a water filtration system in place, but you can enjoy the flavor of reduced magnesium and calcium in your fresh glass of water.

Should You Get an Under Sink Water Filter to Soften Water?

Since there are so many benefits, you might be thoroughly convinced that installing an under sink water filter to soften your water is the way to go. 

After all, this type of filter is relatively easily installed and can provide you with delicious tasting water that is great for consumption or cleaning (appliances, for example).

So, should you get an under sink water filter to soften water? Since basic under sink water filters focus on particle and sediment removal as well as the filtration of other common toxins and contaminants, they will make your water safer to consume. But, you should look for specific models that focus on calcium and magnesium removal for water softening capabilities.

With that said, there are so many benefits of choosing to install an under sink water filter. 

Whether your root issue in your home and local area is hard water, or you want to filter out more of the iron or fluoride that you notice causes issues in your home, there are plenty of options for you. 

And, if you want the benefits of a filtration and softening system, then check for combination options that will work to provide you the benefits of both.

Tom Mueller

Having worked in the filtration and renewable sectors. I've always struggled to find solid information about effective filters. I wanted to share my knowledge and help people get clean healthy water at home! Thanks for visiting, Tom

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