Which Eco Shower Water Filter Do I Need?

Eco shower water filters are all about environmentally beneficial products, but which eco-friendly shower water filter is best?

Everyone wants their water clean for showering and consumption purposes- there is no argument there.

But is there a way to get clean water while also doing something to help keep our Earth clean and cared for as well? 

Which Eco Shower Wter Filter do I Need? Crystal Quest and Aquasana offer eco shower water filters that will keep your water clean while being conscious of the Earth. The best models include the Premium Shower Filter (Aquasana) and the Handheld Shower Filter (Crystal Quest

It can be hard to choose what type of eco-friendly shower filter is best for your shower. There are so many options out there and some that might be out of your budget or will not fit in your design preference. 

However, do not run just yet though.

There are so many great options that can achieve both goals! Below we will go through the advantages of using eco shower water filters and the different products available that will help your water stay fresh and keep your bathroom sparkling all while protecting the environment. 

Best Eco Shower Water Filter Options 

There are plenty of shower filters out there that say they can remove all the junk from your water, can be easily installed, and even will not cause your water pressure to dramatically decrease. 

However, sometimes you simply can not believe what you hear.

Many shower water filters are:

  • cheaply made
  • hard to install securely
  • do not do much for your water besides slow its flow

We all know how frustrating it can be to feel like you are showering in a slow drip as opposed to a steady flowing fountain.

To help you out, below I have two different shower filters listed that will give you the most bang for your buck and also help to keep our Earth a little greener.

These shower water filters come from reputable companies, each that can offer you an environmentally-conscious water supply without limiting your water flow entirely.

  1. Handheld Shower Filter from Crystal Quest  
  2. Premium Shower Filter from Aquasana 

Let’s take a closer look.

Handheld Shower Filter from Crystal Quest 

Looking for an eco shower water filter means finding one that will filter your water efficiently instead of wasting water that goes through. 

Along with that, it means finding one that will have a long-lasting filter so that you do not have to replace this part as frequently (meaning reduced plastic waste). 

The Handheld Shower Filter from Crystal Quest meets just that.

This little guy packs a serious punch when it comes to getting your shower water nice and clean. I say little because it is actually quite compact and does not look like some type of shower invader once it has been installed. 

It is actually very advanced in what it is able to filter out of your shower water, as many filtration systems only get the main stuff like chlorine and sometimes chloramines. 

The handheld shower filter from Crystal Quest removes contaminants such as chlorine, chloramines, VOCs, THM’s, pesticides, sulfur, heavy metals, hydrogen sulfide, iron oxides, dirt, and sediment. 

Whew, that is one heck of a list! Even more than this, this system is actually pH balanced. Talk about the cherry on top! This filter also has a reversible filter cartridge which means less work for you and a longer usage life for your filter. 

This filter will last you about a year before needing to replace it, but the replacement process is simple and easy. 

Speaking of the filter cartridge, water is filtered through two different stages with this system but is taken through Coconut Shell Granular Activated Carbon giving you a clean, healthy, and eco-friendly shower experience. 

Premium Shower Filter from Aquasana 

Importantly, the premium shower filter from Aquasana boasts another steady lifespan for its shower water filter cartridge life ensuring reduced waste and efficient, eco-friendly filtration of your shower water.

In addition, you will find that the high-quality filtration helps to reduce the water and energy that you would be using to clean up a mess that hard water can leave behind, too- yet another eco-friendly factor that you might not have considered.

In terms of what else this eco shower water filter can offer, this filter from Aquasana uses a patented copper/zinc media and coconut shell carbon to give you the filtered water of your dreams through the use of natural materials. 

The coconut shell carbon works to filter out chlorine and other chemicals that should not be present in your water. While the coconut shell carbon works its magic, the copper/zinc media helps to reduce chlorine even more and also enhances the pH balance in your water. 

This system removes over 90% of chlorine in your shower life and is good to use for about 10,000 gallons of water. When the filter needs to be changed at around six months, the replacement step takes about fifteen seconds. 

That’s right, I said seconds. Who does not want something that cleans up their water and requires less effort than zipping up your coat? No one. 

This system is also great because the filter can be fitted with a few different types of showerheads, therefore, you are sure to find one that makes your morning routine a little more enjoyable. 

You can even keep your own shower head if you so please. There are a few different options though that are able to give you the shower water massage of your dream. Either the handheld or the standard showerhead both will get you relaxed in no time flat. 

Why Should You Install an Eco-Friendly Shower Water Filter?

If you have not noticed just yet, in the past decade, humans have really begun to pay attention to the needs of the environment.

Around the globe, individual, corporate, and world-wide initiatives have been launched to bring awareness of humans’ impact on the Earth and what we can do to make this impact one that is not so negative. 

Through this realization, people have shifted their lives in big and small ways to conduct themselves in a more economically conscious way.

As small as it may sound, this even includes the use of eco-friendly showerheads. 

Why should you install an eco-friendly shower water filter? Eco-friendly shower-heads are fantastic because they are one of many newer technologies that are earth-friendly, thus reducing consumers’ impact on the Earth. This is achieved through two different ways: by the design of the shower filter itself and its ability to reduce water during use. 

When it comes to design, companies have made a point to try to use as little parts as possible in its design and some even have filters that are made from natural materials. 

Noting the second part of shower filters eco-friendliness, you may be a bit hesitant when you hear that they reduce water usage because this must mean you have weak water pressure. 

However, if you find the right product, your water pressure will not be an issue at all.

Water is saved due to filtration effects, but because of this, water is more evenly distributed which helps to make up for any small amount of water pressure loss. 

You should not even be able to tell a difference – a complete win-win!

Tom Mueller

Having worked in the filtration and renewable sectors. I've always struggled to find solid information about effective filters. I wanted to share my knowledge and help people get clean healthy water at home! Thanks for visiting, Tom

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